Launching into a new sphere with packaging paper production
In 2022 and 2023 Norske Skog will launch into a new sphere as a producer of recycled containerboard, with a clear commitment to become a leading, independent supplier to the packaging industry.

We spoke to Marleen van den Berg, VP Containerboard Sales at Norske Skog.
“Over the next two years, Norske Skog will convert two paper machines, entering a fast- growing packaging market with 760.000 tons of recycled containerboard. PM3 at Norske Skog Bruck will start production in Q4, 2022. Norske Skog Golbey will follow almost one year later with their PM1,” says Marleen van den Berg, VP Containerboard Sales at Norske Skog.
Marleen van den Berg has been with Norske Skog since the beginning of 2020 and together with the Norske Skog sales team she has already started to reach out to potential customers across Europe. “Although we have a long history in producing high quality papers, we are a newcomer in the packaging industry; we need to introduce ourselves, inform people about our projects and our organization,” she says.
This is done during personal meetings as much as possible, but Norske Skog has also launched a dedicated campaign to inform and engage potential customers. Van den Berg: “For Norske Skog the conversions are an exciting journey and with our campaign we aim to share that journey with potential customers throughout Europe. And of course, we hope that they will welcome us and our products on arrival.”
Part of the campaign is the introduction of the brand name of the Norske Skog products, Strato. “The brand name is actually the result of an internal contest and one of our Austrian colleagues won with Strato, which means layer in Italian. We felt that ‘Strato’ perfectly symbolizes the corrugated products that will be made with our papers,” says Van den Berg.
Although the campaign has just begun, it is already a success. “We got a lot of positive feedback. Quite a few potential customers contacted us after receiving our first mailing,” says Marleen van den Berg. In the meetings that took place as a result, the dominant topic of conversation has been the fast- growing demand for lightweight, sustainable products. “Looking at how this market developed the past years that is no big surprise, and it confirms Norske Skog’ view on the future. With Strato Fluting and Strato Liner (TL3) we offer 100% recycled containerboards, ranging from 70 to 160 gsm, meeting the demand in the market,” says Van den Berg.
However, at Norske Skog Bruck and Norske Skog Golbey it’s not only about the conversions of the PM. They are part of the development of both sites into fine examples of the circular economy, investing heavily in reducing their footprint. Not only by focusing on recycled fibers, but also by building new biomass boilers and investigating new logistical concepts, for example.
“As such both sites are excellent examples of the exciting transition Norske Skog is undergoing from a pure publication paper producer into a sustainable and innovative industrial player,” concludes Marleen van den Berg,