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Norske Skog Bruck - Mehr als Papier
Norske Skog / Unternehmen / Nachrichtenarchiv

Norske Skog share is trading at Oslo Børs (OSE)


Norske Skog ASA: Official opening ceremony at Oslo Stock Exchange today. The CEO Sven Ombudstvedt rang "the bell" at 09:00 CET today where the board of directors, the management team and advisors attended.

Norske Skog ASA is now officially listed at Oslo Børs (Oslo Stock Exchange) from 18 October at 09:00 CET. The CEO Sven Ombudstvedt expressed: "We are very satisfied to be back on Oslo Stock Exchange. We have strong assets and a very promising balance sheet. Norske Skog has a strong market positions in Europe and Australasia. In addition, new promising, green growth initiatives within fibre, bio-energy and -chemicals will soon be an increasing part of our operations in synergy with the existing paper production."

Norske Skog’s long-term strategy remains to improve the core business, to convert certain of the group’s paper machines and to diversify the business to the bioenergy, fibre and biochemical markets.

In the picture from left are the CEO Sven Ombudstvedt and then the board members: Arvid Grundekjøn, Anneli Finsrud Nesteng, Trine-Marie Hagen, Idunn Gangaune Finnanger and John Chiang (chair).



Norske Skog Bruck GmbH
Fabriksgasse 10
A-8600 Bruck an der Mur



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Telefax: +43 (0)3862 - 800 300